

Game-Action-Start-Sports-Ball-Game names a function, with lambda list (ACTION):

Start a SportsBall game.


A gameAction packet of the form:

{ c: "gameAction",
  d: { action: "startSportsBallGame",
       game: UUID } }


{ c: "gameAction",
  d: { action: "startSportsBallGame", 
       game: "AEB967CB-5598-40D5-9B4A-894C9BC38501" } }


Sending startSportsBallGame initiates a soccer or other game based on the same basic premise. The score board is initialized to 0 vs. 0 points, and teams spot one another's goals with TOOTSVILLE GAME-ACTION-SPORTS-BALL-GOAL to increment the score. Optionally, a timer can be started with startSportsBallTimer, see TOOTSVILLE GAME-ACTION-START-SPORTS-BALL-TIMER, TOOTSVILLE GAME-ACTION-PAUSE-SPORTS-BALL-TIMER, ‘GAME-ACTION-RESUME-SPORTS-BALL-TIMER’.

About SportsBall

SportsBall is a game system that is able to roughly support a football (soccer) match, but does not actively enforce many rules.

In other words, players could choose to play football (soccer) in the game, but they could also “cheat” or ignore rules such as ``off sides'' that are inconvenient to implement.

The basic principle is that the ball is moving across the field, and should be returned to the sidelines when it goes out of bounds. The players attempt to move the ball into one of two goals. When the game field is dedicated to the game, these goal objects must be designated.

Players can click on the ball to run towards it and kick it. Collisions between the ball and players will bounce the ball through the field.


Defined in file src/infinity/game-actions.lisp.